Click on a mission from the list below to reveal its preconditions
CR#01: Suppression
Preconditions Unlocked In This Mission:
- Destroy the church in the town at the east side of the map, near the Communication Center that the player must capture for the first objective.
- Unlocks the precondition Church #1 Destroyed? in CR#02.
Preconditions Used In This Mission:
- None.
CR#02: Covert Strike
Preconditions Unlocked In This Mission:
- Destroy the church at the south side of the map with the precondition Church #1 Destroyed? enabled.
- Unlocks the precondition Church #2 Destroyed? in CR#03.
Preconditions Used In This Mission:
- Church #1 Destroyed? - Whether the church in the civilian village was destroyed in CR#01.
- Effect: The priest at the church betrays the player, unleashing two attack dogs at them when they approach the church. Required to unlock Route C.
CR#03: Retake the Industrial Area
Preconditions Unlocked In This Mission:
- Destroy the church at the south-east side of the map with the precondition Church #2 Destroyed? enabled.
- Capture and Keep the Oil Refineries at the north western part of the map. Unlocks the precondition Oil Refineries Captured? in CR#05.
Preconditions Used In This Mission:
- Church #2 Destroyed? - Whether the church in the south part of the region was destroyed in CR#02.
- Effect: The civilians launch an attack wave on the player during the mission. Required to unlock Route C.
CR#04: Obstruction
Preconditions Unlocked In This Mission:
- None.
Preconditions Used In This Mission:
- Church #3 Destroyed? - Whether the church in the civilian village was destroyed in CR#03.
- Effect: The civilians launch an attack on the player's forces when they come near a civilian hub located to the west of the final objective.
CR#05: Riposte
Preconditions Unlocked In This Mission:
- Destroy the 3 remaining churches found on this map at the south, southeast and north positions with the Church #3 Destroyed? precondition enabled.
Preconditions Used In This Mission:
- Church #3 Destroyed? - Whether the church in the civilian village was destroyed in CR#03.
- Effect: The civilians periodically spawn hostile militia forces and attack the player's forces and base. Required to unlock Route C.
- Oil Refineries Captured - Whether the northwestern Oil Refineries were captured and preserved during CR#03.
- Effect: Grants 3000 additional credits some time after getting an MCV.
CR#06: Forward Momentum
Preconditions Unlocked In This Mission:
- Destroy the 3 Shore Artillery located at the north west section of the map.
- Unlocks the Extra Naval Route Opened? precondition in CR#07.
Preconditions Used In This Mission:
CR#07: Snowhopper
Preconditions Unlocked In This Mission:
- Evacuate the civilians at the southern island by destroying the Shore Artillery preventing the transport from leaving. Can only be done with the All Churches Destroyed? precondition set to "No". Unlocks the Civilians Evacuated? precondition in CR#08.
- Kill all the civilians at the southern island and the Soviet base that accompanies them. Can only be done with the All Churches Destroyed set to "Yes".
- Unlocks the Civilian Village Destroyed? precondition in CR#08.
Preconditions Used In This Mission:
- Extra Naval Route Opened? - Whether the 3 Shore Artillery were destroyed at CR#06.
- Effect: Spawns an additional GDI reinforcements of 3 Frigates and 2 Gunboats some time after reaching the second main island.
- All Churches Destroyed? - Whether all 5 churches were destroyed in CR#01, CR#02, CR#03 and CR#05.
- Effect: The civilians become allies with the Soviets, assisting them in creating a base at the southern island. Adds a new mandatory objective to destroy the new southern Soviet base and the entire village, and adjusts some of the behaviors of the map, such as when certain reinforcements arrive.
CR#08: The Cleaver
Preconditions Unlocked In This Mission:
- None.
Preconditions Used In This Mission:
- Civilians Evacuated? - Whether the civilians evacuated in CR#07.
- Effect: Allows the player to investigate the outskirts of the village, which unlocks Route B.
- Civilian Village Destroyed? - Whether the civilian village was destroyed in CR#07.
- Effect: Turns the civilian population against the player, siding with Nod and Soviet. Spawns dangerous waves of armed civilians militants that carry various firearms trying to take the player down. Completing this mission with this precondition active will unlock Route C.
Important Notes For This Mission:
- As long as Civilian Village Destroyed? precondition is set to "No", the player will automatically unlock Route A by beating this mission.
- This mission's preconditions are mutually exclusive. If both of the preconditions are set to "Yes", the game client will show a message to the player explaining that the mission cannot be launched using this preconditions set. The player will have to set at least one of the two preconditions to "No" to launch the mission.
Route A
CRA#09: Sensory Escort
Preconditions Unlocked In This Mission:
- Destroy the Nod units located south of the civilian village, along the shore, freeing the GDI units from being sieged.
- Unlocks the GDI Forces Freed? precondition in CRA#10.
Preconditions Used In This Mission:
- None.
CRA#10: Tiberium Denial
Preconditions Unlocked In This Mission:
- Destroy the cluster of 6 power plants located at the southeast Soviet base.
- Unlocks the Power Facility Destroyed? precondition in CRA#12.
Preconditions Used In This Mission:
- GDI Forces Freed? - Whether the GDI forces released from the Nod siege in CRA#09.
- Effect: Grants a GDI reinforcement of 2 Mammoths and 3 Grenade Launchers to the player after some time through the sea to the west.
CRA#11: Pincer Movement
Preconditions Unlocked In This Mission:
- None.
Preconditions Used In This Mission:
- None.
CRA#12: Counter-Revolt
Preconditions Unlocked In This Mission:
- Destroy the two Nod bases on the north of the map.
- Unlocks the Nod City Base Destroyed? precondition in CRA#14.
Preconditions Used In This Mission:
- Power Facility Destroyed? - Whether the power plant cluster at the south-eastern Soviet base were destroyed in CRA#10.
- Effect: Disables most of the Tesla Coils on the map.
CRA#13: Breaking a Path
Preconditions Unlocked In This Mission:
- Destroy the Soviet and Nod forces laying siege on Toikka's forces located to the south.
- Unlocks the Co-Commander's Forces Saved? precondition in CRA#14.
Preconditions Used In This Mission:
- None.
CRA#14: Crushed Revolt
Preconditions Unlocked In This Mission:
- None.
Preconditions Used In This Mission:
- Co-Commander's Forces Saved? - Whether Toikka's forces were released from the Nod and Soviet siege in CRA#13.
- Effect: Grants reinforcements of 4 Light Tanks, 4 Rangers, 6 Tank Destroyers, and an APC holding 3 Machine Gunners and 2 Rocket Soldiers after some time.
- Nod City Base Destroyed? - Whether the couple Nod bases were destroyed in CRA#12.
- Effect: Grants AI controlled GDI reinforcements of 10 Mammoth Tanks, 8 Medium Tanks, 4 MLRSs, 8 Grenade Launchers, 2 Orcas and 1 A-10 to assist the player in the fight.
Important Notes For This Mission:
- This is the finale for Route A. The ending that the player gets is based on whether the Co-Commander's Forces Saved? precondition is set to "Yes".
- If the precondition was set to "No", the player will get Ending I. Otherwise, the player will get Ending II.
- At the north side of the map, near the Metallic Nod's temple, there is a Comm. Center that can be captured. Doing so unlocks a bonus mission that will be introduced later to the campaign.
Route B
CRB#09: Investigation
Preconditions Unlocked In This Mission:
- Infiltrate the Radar Dome inside Ivanov's base.
- Unlocks the Radar Spied? precondition in CRB#11.
Preconditions Used In This Mission:
- None.
CRB#10: Flight
Preconditions Unlocked In This Mission:
- Locate the Harvester at the south east of the map and preserve it until the mission is completed.
- Unlocks the Ore Truck Saved? precondition in CRB#11.
Preconditions Used In This Mission:
- None.
CRB#11: Confiscation
Preconditions Unlocked In This Mission:
- Capture the Communication Center at the south-east position of the map.
- Unlocks the Radar Captured? precondition in CRB#12.
Preconditions Used In This Mission:
Radar Spied? - Whether the Spy has infiltrated the Radar Dome at Ivanov's base in CRB#09.
- Effect: Reveals key positions in all enemy bases and outposts, alongside the Soviet's War Factory and a group of 4 Oil Refineries. This occurs some time after the game starts.
Ore Truck Saved? - Whether the Ore Truck was found and preserved in CRB#10.
- Effect: Spawns an additional Ore Truck near the starting position shortly after capturing the Ore Refinery in the outpost.
CRB#12: The Eagle Has Landed
Preconditions Unlocked In This Mission:
- None.
Preconditions Used In This Mission:
- Radar Captured? - Whether the Comm. Center was captured in CRB#11.
- Effect: Disables the civilians from spawning forces to attack the player's forces.
CRB#13: Rebalance
Preconditions Unlocked In This Mission:
- Locate the supply truck at the south-east of the map, and bring it in front of the church near GDI's starting point, a bit to the north east.
- Unlocks the Truck Brought To Church? precondition in CRB#15.
Preconditions Used In This Mission:
- None.
CRB#14: Battering Ram
Preconditions Unlocked In This Mission:
- Use an engineer to repair the ruined civilian villa located at the east side of the map, past the river. Then, make sure Yarvelja, which comes out of the structure as a Soviet Commando (looks like Volkov) survives until the end of the mission.
- Unlocks the Accept Yarvelja's Offer? precondition in CRB#15.
Preconditions Used In This Mission:
- None.
CRB#15: Epicenter
Preconditions Unlocked In This Mission:
With the Accept Yarvelja's Offer precondition set to "Yes", make sure Yarvelja makes it safely to the Soviet base at the northeast position to start a ceasefire with the Soviets. Then, beat the mission without letting the ceasefire be broken (see the precondition for more information).
Intercept a supply truck holding chemical barrels that travels from the southeast through the Nod base to the Government base at the southwest. This truck spawns at a random time some time after the destroying the SAM Sites.
- Unlocks the Chem Truck Intercepted? precondition in CRB#16.
Preconditions Used In This Mission:
Truck Brought To Church?- Whether the supply truck has been brought to the church in CRB#13.
- Effect: Spawns reinforcements of 4 Machine Gunners at the church at the north position of the map some time after destroying the SAM sites.
Accept Yarvelja's Offer? - Whether the player have liberated Yarvelja and accepted his ceasfire offer in CRB#14.
- Effect: Yarvelja will travel through the northern part of the map, reaching the Soviet base at the northeast, triggering a ceasefire between the player's forces and the Soviets. This ceasefire can be broken by Soviet units or structure taking damage. Additionally, Nod will eventually launch an attack wave at the Soviets using GDI units. If not intercepted, this attack wave will break the ceasefire.
- Note: if this precondition is set to "No", the Soviets will be hostile to the player and periodically send attack waves to their base. In order to win, the player will have to eliminate the Soviets as well, in addition to the usual Government and Nod. If the precondition is set to "Yes", the player does not have to eliminate the Soviets to win.
CRB#16: Valiant Revolt
Preconditions Unlocked In This Mission:
- Keep the City Council (Stock Exchange model) intact, and do not let 15 or more civilian buildings in the city to be destroyed the end of the mission. The player may capture the City Council for themselves to generate funds, but it must be kept intact.
- Unlocks the City Preserved? precondition in CRB#17.
Preconditions Used In This Mission:
Chem Truck Intercepted? - Whether the supply truck carrying chemical barrels has been intercepted in CRB#15.
- Effect: Removes chemical warheads from the Battle Rig's attacks and halves its HP.
Peace with Neo-Soviets? - Whether the ceasefire with the Soviets remained intact through the end of the CRB#15.
- Effect: After a long time, the Soviets will show up with reinforcements consisting of Yarvelja, 6 Heavy Tanks, 4 Tesla Tanks, and a Soviet MCV. Those forces are under the player's control, allowing them to build Soviet tech.
CRB#17: Expel the Interloper
Preconditions Unlocked In This Mission:
- None.
Preconditions Used In This Mission:
Peace with Neo-Soviets? - Whether the ceasefire with the Soviets remained intact through the end of the CRB#15.
- Effect: Deteremines who will be the force assisting Nod that the player must also eliminate and the reinforcements that the player gets when that force arrives. If set to "Yes", the player will have to eliminate a Government base and get reinforcements of 5 Heavy Tanks, 6 V2 Launchers, and 4 Soviet Mammoth Tanks. Otherwise, the player will have to eliminate a Soviet base instead and gain a reinforcements of 4 Tank Destroyers, 5 Artillery, 8 Machine Gunners, 2 Medics and 2 Mechanics.
City Preserved? - Whether the city the City Council remained relatively intact in CRB#16.
- Effect: Affects which ending the player gets upon completing this mission.
Important Notes For This Mission:
- This is the finale for Route B. The ending that the player gets is based on the combination of both the Peace with Neo-Soviets? and the City Preserved? preconditions that were used in this mission. Each combination grants a different ending.
- If both Peace with Neo-Soviets? and City Preserved? are set to "No", the player will get ending III.
- If Peace with Neo-Soviets? is set to "Yes" but City Preserved? is set to "No", the player will get ending IV.
- If Peace with Neo-Soviets? is set to "No" but City Preserved? is set to "Yes", the player will get ending V.
- If both Peace with Neo-Soviets? and City Preserved? are set to "Yes", the player will get ending VI.
Route C
CRC#09: Act on Desperation
Preconditions Unlocked In This Mission:
- Capture the under construction Nuke Silo in the east Soviet base.
- Unlocks the Nuke Captured? precondition in CRC#10.
Preconditions Used In This Mission:
- None.
CRC#10: Blitzkrieg
Preconditions Unlocked In This Mission:
- None.
Preconditions Used In This Mission:
- Nuke Captured? - Whether the Nuke Silo that was under construction was captured in CRC#09.
- Effect: Spawns 4 Demo Trucks shortly after the MCV is deployed from the starting position.
CRC#11: Trojan Train
Preconditions Unlocked In This Mission:
- None.
Preconditions Used In This Mission:
- None.
CRC#12: The Massacre
Preconditions Unlocked In This Mission:
- None.
Preconditions Used In This Mission:
- None.
CRC#13: The Eagle's Claws
Preconditions Unlocked In This Mission:
- None.
Preconditions Used In This Mission:
- None.
CRC#14: The Eagle's Beak
Preconditions Unlocked In This Mission:
- Keep at least one of Toikka's factories and tech structures (Barracks, War Factory, Helipad, Radar Dome and Tech Center) intact until the end of the mission.
- Keep at least one of Nod's factories (Hand of Nod, Naval Yard) intact until the end of the mission.
- Unlocks the Nod Outpost Preserved? precondition in CRC#15.
Preconditions Used In This Mission:
- None.
CRC#15: Off the Plank
Preconditions Unlocked In This Mission:
- None.
Preconditions Used In This Mission:
Nod Outpost Preserved? - Whether Nod's outpost was kept intact in CRC#14.
- Effect: Some time after the enemy is activated, grants reinforcemets from Nod consisting of 4 veteran Stealth Tanks. Additionally, adds a new mandatory objective: destroy the GDI Battleship. When the GDI Battleship is revealed and the GDI bases along the river are destroyed, Nod will grant the player reinforcements of 12 Laser Corvettes from the north west. At that point, the player will gain the ability to build Allied Naval Yards, and more Laser Corvettes can be built from those. The mission will only end when the player destroys all GDI bases and the GDI Battleship.
Toikka Saved? - Whether Toikka's base was kept intact in CRC#14.
- Effect: Shortly after all GDI bases have been activated, grants AI controlled reinforcements of 12 Light Tanks, 12 Rangers, 12 Medium Tanks, 6 Tank Destroyers, 16 Machine Gunners, 24 Rifle Infantry, and 18 Rocket Soldiers from the starting position to attack GDI bases.
Important Notes For This Mission:
This is the finale for Route C. The ending that the player gets is based on whether the Nod Outpost Preserved? precondition is set to "Yes".
- If the precondition was set to "Yes", the player will get ending VII. Otherwise, the player will get ending VIII.
- The Toikka Saved? precondition also serves a minor part in the ending cutscenes based on whether it was set to "Yes" or not, but does not affect the ending itself.
The player can continue playing and do CRC#16, which will instead introduce an alternate finale, where the player revolts against Ivanov and takes his place.
CRC#16: Your Revolt
Preconditions Unlocked In This Mission:
- None.
Preconditions Used In This Mission:
- Toikka Saved? - Whether Toikka's base was kept intact in CRC#14.
- Effect: Shortly after the game starts, Toikka will enter in with a force to attack the player, alongside an MCV that starts a base to the south, assisting Ivanov against the player. This base replaces one of the bases that Ivanov sets up much later in the mission. The player must also destroy Toikka's base to complete the mission. Additionally, Toikka spawns a massive attack wave against the player some time after deploying the base.
Important Notes For This Mission:
- This is the alternate finale for Route C. The ending depends on whether the player has managed to destroy the Comm. Centers located in this mission before the timer runs out.
There are three Comm. Centers located at the north-east, south-east, and south-west positions of the map. Destroying each of those Comm. Centers will extend the timer slightly. If all three Comm. Centers are destroyed before the time runs out, the timer stops, marking it as a success. Otherwise, if the timer expires, it is marked as a failure. The player can still beat the mission regardless.
If the Comm. Centers were not destroyed in time, the player will get ending IX. Otherwise, the player will get ending X.